EYDI’s development approach is child and Adolescent-centered, family-focused, and community-based. This approach identifies that child development and well-being are shaped by quality of engagement among the child, the Adolescents the family, the community, civil society, government, and global systems. We also understand that local context, social norms and culture, economic conditions, as well as government policies affect the life of the child. We approach our investment in community action to stop poverty based on research and experience showing that: Children grow best in families, Youth Inclusion makes good sense for progress because young people not only shape the present of any country, but they will also profoundly determine its future, Communities are the safety net of support for poor and vulnerable groups and families. Therefore EYDI believe that a family is the most cherished and central component of care for children, youth and communities are reagent in supporting families and schools enable them provide safe and healthy environment thus promoting children’s rights.
EYDI work focus on children’s and youth access to quality, age-appropriate learning opportunities, and mobilize families and communities to support children’s education; access to quality early childhood education, improve primary school learning outcomes, expand girls’ access to secondary and vocational education. Moreso Internship and Apprenticeship program is designed to offer an occupational training program that combines on-the-job work experience with technical or classroom study. These are designed to develop useful job skills in individuals entering the work force to address the need for better trained entry-level workers and help young people make the transition from school to the work world, also serve as a good source of labor for businesses of all shapes and sizes.
EYDI emphasize creating environment in which young people and their families who are at risk, affected by or living with HIV can restore hope through fighting stigma and discrimination of People Living with HIV/AIDS as a strategy of HIV/AIDS prevention of HIV transmission and promoting access to sexual Reproductive Health services. HIV Testing Services (HTS) include the full range of services that include HIV testing, counseling (pre-test information and post-test counseling); referral to appropriate HIV prevention, treatment and care services, and other clinical and support services; These services are offered through community outreaches and health units. HTS are integrated into Family Planning, Elimination of Mother to Child HIV/AIDS transmission, STIs treatment/prevention, Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision among others.
We desire to leave beneficiaries and communities stronger than when we found them by building their capacity to identify their problems, provide solutions to them, and access how their efforts and impact can be maintained after the funding cycle ends.
EYDI empower and support families to develop and use their income and assets to meet the education, health, nutrition, and basic material needs of their children through vocational skills training for youth through providing of practical vocational skills to youth to reduce poverty. We strive to advanced ICT training program to build skills of vulnerable groups to fuel sustainable development and life- long self-reliance, and the formation of school Saving Clubs (SSC). SSCs aims at enabling schools to help their pupils learn about financial literacy and discipline of handling money, inculcate the culture of saving at early age and this is a practical tool that is linked to educational activity in the school.
The Purpose of SSC is to encourage children to learn to save, with the aims of: helping children to budget and avoid debt problems in adult life, enhancing children’s mathematical skills and educating children on the benefits of saving. The success of SSC is largely dependent on parents’ and teachers’ commitment toward this cause.
Community organizations directly address the urgent needs of vulnerable children and families. Although, they normally lack the time and resources to coordinate with other community service providers, are not aware of all the services that exist, and are not well linked to one another or to the larger government social service system. EYDI’s referrals and networking model brings community-based and government service providers together to identify available services. EYDI also equips community volunteers and service providers with skills to track, monitor, and routinely evaluate the referral system to address gaps and make simple improvements. Referrals improve access for OVC to a continuum of comprehensive care.
EYDI’s Case Management model builds upon existing community efforts by equipping community volunteers with basic skills to address a range of issues affecting vulnerable children. These issues may include abuse, defilement, neglect, malnutrition, school drop-out, early marriage, and any other issues that seriously impede children’s development. Children who need case management are identified through community leaders, schools, and local community committees. Community Volunteers are assigned directly to children and families to ensure that cases are followed up and those services are received. EYDI and local partners also train social workers in case management skills and strengthen the referral system between community volunteers, service providers, and government social services.